WPV Council Meeting 2018

As per the Water Polo Victoria Constitution, delegates from Affiliated or Member Clubs and life members are invited to attend the Water Polo Victoria Council meeting, details as follows:
Saturday 21 July 2018
3:30 pm to 5:00 pm
Outdoor Pool Marshalling room, MSAC, Aughtie Drive, Albert Park
Clubs are asked to submit the names of up to two (2) delegate/s for the Council Meeting by COB 17 July 2018
Please email Sally Jones at sallyj@vicwaterpolo.com.au.
Please note:
Member Clubs may have no more than two (2) delegates present for the Council Meeting.
Member Clubs may appoint up to two (2) Delegates or Proxies who must be an Individual Member of the same Member Club. Notice of delegates shall be given in writing to the Secretary or Executive Officer before such taking part in the deliberations of the Council.
Affiliated or Member Clubs must be represented at a Council meeting by their Delegate or Proxy.
Any Member Club desiring to be exempted from attendance by its Delegate or Proxy shall make application in writing, setting out the reason for such application, for the consideration of the Board.
In the absence of any exemption granted by the Board, or in the absence of an accepted apology, the Member Club shall be fined $10 or other such amount as may be determined by the Board from time to time.
Only two (2) consecutive apologies for non-attendance will be acceptable; the third consecutive non-attendance will disqualify the Member Club from affiliation with WPV unless otherwise determined by a resolution of the Board.
A Member must be financial 24 hours prior to any meeting for its Delegate or Proxy to take part in such meeting.