Coach, Referee and New Parents Education Sessions
Water Polo Victoria in collaboration with Water Polo Australia are delivering education sessions next week.
In an extension in what was provided last year in relation to referee education, there is now an opportunity for coaches and new parents to the sport to receive some support.
The sessions are being held at MSAC next week across Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings.
Beginner/New Referee Seminar (less than 2 years of WPV refereeing) - MSAC - Tuesday 12th September 6.30pm - 8.30pm
Beginner/New Coach Seminar (less than 2 years of WPV coaching) - MSAC - Tuesday 12th September 6.30pm - 8.30pm
Parent Presentations/Inductions - Designed for parents who are new to the sport (less than 2 years) - MSAC - Wednesday 13th September 6.30pm - 8.00pm
Experienced Referee Session (greater than 2 years of WPV refereeing) - MSAC - Thursday 14th September 6.30pm - 8.30pm
Experienced/State/Academy Coaching Session - MSAC - Thursday 14th September 6.30pm - 8.30pm
Please complete the RSVP form by Monday 11th September through the link below to confirm your spot.