Water Polo Victoria Board: Welcome to 2025!

Water Polo Victoria Board would like to wish the entire community a Happy New Year, we can't wait to get back into the pool for 2025!
Starting off a new calendar year, we wanted to update the entire community of the new make-up of the WPV Board, as well as the key focuses for Water Polo Victoria in 2025.
WPV Board
We are excited that the majority of the WPV Board has continued on in 2025, providing stability to the leadership of the sport. We would also like to welcome Millie Pullyblank as a new Board Director, and we are currently in discussion with multiple individuals regarding joining the leadership group on the WPV Board.
We would like to formally thank Tom Janoshalmi for his service on the WPV Board as President over the last few years. Tom has been instrumental in helping guide the sport through some difficult years following the COVID pandemic His professionalism, leadership and commitment has placed Water Polo in a stronger position. Although we will miss Tom as a member of the board, we look forward to seeing him poolside and we know he will continue to help Water Polo in this state for years to come.
Board Roles
We are excited to announce that Kate Healy has been elected as the new Water Polo Victoria President.

Kate has been an active (non-playing) member of Victoria's water polo community since 2018, regularly volunteering as a team manager, to do table duty, ferrying kids to games and supporting from the side lines. Professionally, she is an experienced commercial lawyer and consultant, who thinks strategically and acts decisively.
Kate is excited by the opportunity that the recent Olympic water polo successes of both the Stingers and Sharks provide for us to increase the profile of water polo in Victoria and to attract more junior and senior participants to our sport. If we can achieve this, then we believe that we will be able to improve the affordability of our sport and, at the same time, increase the standard of our competition in Victoria and our competitiveness nationally. Kate is also keen to ensure that as an organisation, WPV communicates regularly and clearly with our member clubs and the broader water polo community.Â
We can also confirm that Daniel Flahive and Kai-Yang Goh will continue in their roles as Vice-President and Treasurer respectively.
Key Focus in 2025
With a new year, there are many challenges and opportunities for Water Polo in Victoria. We look forward to working together with our entire community to grow and strengthen the sport.
Some of our key focuses in 2025 include.
More regular communicationÂ
Exploring opportunities to increase participation
Revamping our development pathways, from foundational through to high performance
Rebuilding strong competitions for junior and senior female athletes
Partnerships that seek to improve affordability
We can't wait to see you poolside once again in 2025!
WPV Board