WPA Competition Advisory Panel EOI
Water Polo Australia is seeking expressions of interest for the Competition Advisory Panel (CAP).
Water Polo Australia (WPA) as the National Sporting Organisation for water polo in Australia coordinates and delivers competition(s), to provide an opportunity for players, coaches and officials to compete, coach and adjudicate at a level of competition, different to what they have access to in their local environment. It is important that these competitions have a clear purpose and are fit for purpose, with alignment in operating principles and competition rules and regulations.
The Competitions Advisory Panel (CAP) will initially lead a review of the competitions.
The committee will:
• Review and recommend the purpose of each competition
• Review and recommend the operating principles of each competition
• Review and recommend the rules and regulation of each competition. Through the review process the CAP will retain as a focus, the sport’s core functions of growing participation and delivery of high performance outcomes. Additionally, the CAP will remain in existence and conduct an annual audit of the competitions.
For more information see below.