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FINA World Water Polo Conference

Budapest 2018

Following the World Water Polo Conference in 2014 in Cancun, Mexico, the Water Polo community is uniting once again in Budapest, Hungary to focus on opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.


The proposed Conference Programme will engage the audience with international experts, address the major issues facing Water Polo and identify key opportunities for its global expansion.


The conference is designed to be an open and healthy dialogue about the future development and growth of our sport around the world - all opinions are welcome. We will have multiple opportunities to exchange points of view, with a conference goal of identifying the various areas in need of improvement and agreeing on concrete solutions to address them.



  1. To review and discuss the current challenges of Water Polo

  2. To examine resources and concepts to address our current challenges and professionalize our sport in various areas

  3. To agree on recommendations, next steps and definitive action plans

  4. To discuss Water Polo rules and competition modernization

  5. To advance Water Polo by inspiring visionary thinking and innovation


The conference will hear from a multitude of sport experts performing both inside and outside Water Polo. From development, media, technical, broadcasting and events, experts will weigh in on what it takes to succeed in each of these areas, helping Water Polo strive for more success in the future.



Day One




Welcome address by FINA President Dr. Julio C. Maglion


Theme 1: Water polo - 150 years of evolution

Yiannis Giannouris, Water Polo Coach


Theme 2: Where we are now?

Cornel Marculescu, FINA CEO


Theme 3: Where do we want to go?

Eric Van Heijningen, FINA Bureau Member


Manuel Ibern, Chairman FINA Technical Water Polo Committee


Andrey Kryukov, FINA Bureau Member & Water Polo Liaison


Theme 4: Brand, Communication & Image

Terrence Burns, Executive Vice President Global Sport at Engine Shop Agency


Matthias Lüfkens, Social Media Expert at Burson-Marsteller


Theme 5: Water Polo Reform 21

Andrey Kryukov, FINA Bureau Member & Water Polo Liaison

Wim Keman, FINA Technical Water Polo Committee Honorary Secretary

Dragan Jovanovic, Director General at WWPCA


Theme 6: Water Polo Rules

Yiannis Giannouris, Water Polo Expert

Manuel Ibern, Chairman FINA Technical Water Polo Committee

Bill Shaw, FINA Technical Water Polo Committee Member                                                  

Dragan Jovanovic, Director General at WWPCA


Theme 7: Game officiating and refereeing matters

Mark Koganov, FINA Technical Water Polo Committee Vice Chairman

Wim Keman, FINA Technical Water Polo Committee Honorary Secretary

Boris Margeta, President of WWR

Danny Kurmann, IIHF

Istvan Gergely HUN


Theme 8: Technology and Innovations

Takeshi Inoue, FINA Technical Water Polo Committee Member

Will Bastin, FINA Events & Services Manager

Alex Garcia, ERIC Sports


Theme 9: What coaches need

Adam Krikorian, FINA Coaches Committee

Prof. Yoji Omoto, Coach Japanese Men’s Team

Lance Rochester, Water Polo Coach Jamaica

Dénes Kemény, FINA Coach

Ratko Rudic, Star Coach


Theme 10: The athletes’ perspective

Margaret Steffens USA

Aaron Feltham CAN

Aaron Younger AUS

Kelsey White RSA

Istvan Gergely HUN

Day Two



Theme 11: How to stage exciting events

Paola Bosio, sport presentation expert


Theme 12: How to make the game more attractive?

Jochen Färber, Head of Olympic Channel Services

Peter Diamond, NBC Executive Vice President Programming

Marco Birri, LEN expert 11


Theme 13: Water Polo and the Olympic Games – 100 years together

Pere Miro, Deputy Director General, International Olympic Committee


Theme 14: Sponsorship, Marketing & Partnerships

Claude Ruibal, Director at Infront

Kristian Götsch, Two Circles

Richard Tattershaw, Sport Hit Factory


Theme 15: Developing Water Polo – How to grow our sport beyond the Olympic footprint

Dale Neuburger, FINA Bureau Member

Yiannis Giannouris, Water Polo Coach

Ratko, Rudic, Star Coach

Bartolo Consolo, Grass roots expert


Roundtable Discussion: Water Polo Rules


Roundtable Discussion: How to expand our sport beyond the Olympic footprint


Day Three



Theme 16: New activities in Water Polo

Ken Kuroda, FINA Technical Water Polo Committee Member

Prof. Andy Hoepelman, FINA Technical Water Polo Committee Member

Haider Farman, Asian Games Director at Olympic Council of Asia


Theme 17: Game improvement solution

External Experts

FINA Experts


Theme 18: Game improvement solutions

Dr. Monica Brochero, FINA Technical Water Polo Committee Member

Manuel Ibern, FINA Technical Water Polo Committee Chairman

Mark Koganov, FINA Technical Water Polo Committee


Theme 19: Key note speech – Embracing new ideas

Adam Krikorian


Theme 20: What is the future of Water Polo?

Conference summary and closing by FINA President Dr. Julio C. Maglione


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