WPV STP20 Information Session
It was a great turn out for the State Team Program ("STP") Information Session last night at MSAC with over 100 attendees from across a broad section of the water polo community.
The Information Session provided an opportunity for the community to hear the new changes and direction for the STP in 2020 and beyond, as well as giving the community the ability to provide their own feedback and ideas on the program.
"It was fantastic to see so many members from the community involved" said WPV Executive Officer David Whittaker. "I am excited about the new direction we are taking with the STP, and I'm looking forward to working closely with the community to build a strong and effective pathway for all members together."
The powerpoint presentation from last night can be found on the new Pathways section of the WPV Website under State Team Program.
Further information will be provided in the coming weeks.
WPV has received a high level of interest to date for state athlete, coach and team manger positions. If you have yet to fill out a EOI form, we have extended all due dates until this Friday 28 February 2020. As trials commence this weekend we encourage all interested members to complete the forms this week in order to be apart of the 2020 State Program.
All EOI forms can be found here.